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Watermelon Farming Training


PT Mifa Bersaudara, subsidairy of PT Media Djaya Bersama – Reswara Group was doing a training to watermelon farmers in beachside of Gampong, Meureubo, West Aceh. The objective of the training is to increase the farmers knowledge so they could farm watermelon even better and know what to do with the watermelon after-harvest. The training is given to 7 farmers who joined on KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersama) “Ban Timoh” Gampong Peuangan Rayeuk with total 4 hectars of field.

Due to lack of knowledge on how to farm properly, the result of the harvest that they received is not that big, that is why the training include technical mentoring, providing fertilizer and supplement for the plants and watermelon. This training started at 26th May 2014 until December 2014, being held in self-management-style and coordinated with a local government of Gampong.

The needs of watermelon is increasing during the Ramadhan, because its some kind of tradition to the society in welcoming the holy month.

The farmers from of Ban Timoh really thanked PT Mifa for the help that they received for the watermelon farming. Beside helping the farmers in their living, hopefully, in the future they could continue watermelon farming.